Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Adventure Ideas


January has almost closed its doors and I still love it here in Palau. I know I should be in the moment and living the life down here in Palau, but my mind wanders from one future possible adventure to another. Right now I am planning a future trip to New Zealand. I think this would be a great country to visit and they allow people to come into the country and obtain a Holiday Working Visa, which will allow me to work in New Zealand for up to a year. That’s my plan as of now. I would go down there sometime in early May and try to get a job at a ski resort on the South Island. Work there for a few months getting into the culture and figuring out my next move. I would prolly wait till the resorts closed for the season which is October for most places and then take the money I earn and travel the rest of the country, hitching and staying in hostels, I also am entertaining the idea of buying a car while im there. It seems like a pretty good deal. You can usually buy a car from another backpacker that is leaving the country for a good deal. Just gotta worry about how well it will run, but I usually have a good eye when it comes to cars. So I could just chill in New Zealand working odd jobs for a year or so. And then maybe hit up Australia or something, who knows. I like having the plan of No Plan. Just sorta go with the flow. Always a good outlook on life. It hasn’t served me wrong yet. But right now Palau is such a lucrative spot for funding my future travels I want to stay here for a few months and save my money. I mean I will be saving roughly $900 a month. And then im thinking that Mom and Dad will send me some more funds if I need them. Plus they are paying for my travel insurance, I just have to make sure that the insurance will cover me in New Zealand, especially if I work and snowboard at a ski resort. I mean I do have the tendency to break. So I would defiantly want to have insurance. But I love this feeling of traveling the world. Its so much fun meeting new people and experiencing new cultures. I mean I went from Mali- crazy relaxed, fought for survival, hard life….to Palau- chill, island life, living pimp style in a banging apartment and working in the accounting dept(blah)…..to Possibly New Zealand- who knows what awaits me.

Right now im loving just going with the flow and figuring it out as I go. Getting into everything and anything. Trying to test Life and see if I can understand just a morsel of what it holds for us. I cant wait for the next piece of life I will get to experience.

Go with the flow….

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