Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Go with the Flow

Today I have been doing a lot of thinking about my future plans. I told myself before I left on this journey to paradise that I was going to keep myself open for whatever life throws at me. I wasnt going to set a plan out and follow it to the T. I dont want to live my life like so many others do, in a routine, following schedules, and worrying about what to do next. I want to be open to the things life has for me and not be structured into myself.

Go with the Flow - these are words to live by

The flow is life. Life is flowing. I want to go where life wants me to go. I dont need to tell life what my intentions are or plan out my next move in life. Life will figure it out for me and let me know, not the other way around. I feel that in today's world people think they need to have structure and have things planned out or else their life will fall apart.

Life seems to have a natural energy of its own and I dont think we need to tell it what to do, it will figure it out and as long as we are willing to go along for the ride, it wont steer us wrong. That is not to say that you can just sit on your ass and think life will just magically make everything perfect. No, you do have to do some work. But the key is to work with the flow of life and not against it. You cant be scared that life is going to lead you down the wrong path. You have to be willing to go down that path and not only hope for the best but KNOW that the best is down the path. Only then will you actually experience Real Life.

I have people ask me all the time, "What are you going to do when you have to get back to real life?" I usually just give some generic answer that satisfies their curiosity. But really I think quietly to myself, I am experiencing my real life. I am in the flow of my life.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Just thought i would hit up the blog with a short little entry. its Sunday, nothing really planned, just a lazy day here on the island. Work is going ok, i am still working on this equipment inventory and control numbers. its a slow process and really boring. but whatever. it pays the bills. Still not sure what im going to do after this or when. I am thinking New Zealand, or San Francisco, or back home. i really just dont know, everything sounds like a great idea. Yesterday me and tom went out to drive around and ended up going to see these two waterfalls, they were cool, and the hikes down to them were fun, but they were hard. we also hiked up to the top of the mountain beside our apartment, there were some great views.